The Owner Decisively Abandoned Central Heating and Switched to Air Source Heat Pumps

As the heating season approaches, many areas are experiencing centralized heating, leading to many problems such as substandard heating temperatures, difficulty in making complaints.

Advertisements claiming heat pumps are comfortable, energy-saving and free have attracted the attention of many consumers. However, how do you choose a brand and product? How is the heating effect? How much does it cost? Can high-floor residents who already have central heating still use it?

With this series of questions, Amitime Warmth China follow-up team, together with a professional team, came to a residential area in Qixingguan District, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, revisited Mr. Chen, a 3-year user of Amitime. They learned the working situation of the air source heat pump, listened to the user's real experience and voices, and witness the heating power of the air source heat pump can easily reach the top floor and providing stable heating through AC feedback!

"Oh my god, I really didn't expect it to be so convenient and easy to operate. You can do whatever you want, and now the temperature in my home is stable at 21 degrees," Mr. Chen said happily. "I didn't expect it, it's very comfortable. The feeling of free heating is so great."

The word I heard most often during our communication was “unexpected.” This “unexpected” feeling came not only from Mr. Chen’s recognition of the quality of the air source heat pump, but also from the change in lifestyle it brought about.

Before 2021, Mr. Chen's home mainly used centralized heating for heating. However, in the past few years, the highest room temperature can only reach 15 ℃ or 16 ℃. Not only the temperature can't meet the standard, but complaints were also not handled in a timely manner.

In September 2021, after Mr. Chen decisively gave up municipal centralized heating and contacted Amitime staff, Amitime equipped Mr. Chen's home with a 15kW air source heat pump to provide winter heating services for his 170 square meter residential area on the 33rd floor.

15kW air source heat pump

Mr. Chen smiled and said, "The remote power on and temperature adjustment function is very useful! You can adjust it as you want, and turn it on a few degrees if you want, it's very convenient!"

This is thanks to the unique intelligent control system of Amitime application, which remotely monitors and controls the start and stop of the unit, and adjusts the water temperature accurately to ± 0.5 ℃, making it convenient for Mr. Chen and his family to accurately control the temperature according to their own heating needs. The indoor heating temperature throughout the winter is maintained above 20 ℃.

In addition to its good heating effect and intelligent convenience, energy-saving and cost saving are also the main reasons why she praises air source heat pumps endlessly.

"I really didn't expect this underfloor heater to be so energy-efficient, spending over 20 yuan a day. The heating effect, as well as the electricity bill, I am very satisfied!"

Mr. Chen's home started in November 2021 and stopped operating in mid March 2022. During the four month heating season, when the temperature is relatively high during the day, Mr. Chen will adjust the unit temperature appropriately. Therefore, Mr. Chen's actual heating electricity consumption is 3726 kWh, using peak and valley electricity, with an average electricity price of around 0.45 yuan/kWh. He has paid a total of 1687 yuan for heating expenses.

"At first, I was a bit nervous, afraid that installing the air source heat pump on the air conditioner wouldn't work, and I was also worried about the poor heating effect."

Mr. Chen's home is located on the 33rd floor of the top floor of the community building. He consulted 4-5 brands on the market before and after, but did not find any particularly satisfactory products. Firstly, similar products on the market have too large models, making installation difficult. Secondly, the machine noise is loud, which affects people's normal rest.

"I specifically asked my neighbor downstairs and heard that their air source heat pump is good, so I decided to install one and give it a try."

Finally, with the recommendation of his neighbors in the community, Mr. Chen decided to use an air source heat pump for heating. Amitime stands at the pain points of the industry and from the perspective of users, creating a delicate and compact appearance and humanized functional design, which can easily go upstairs, overcome the drawbacks of "limited installation and poor effect" of centralized heating, and enable high-rise urban residents to achieve winter heating freedom.

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