Substances that have a serious reducing effect on the ozone layer are known as ozone-depleting substances, abbreviated as ODS. Human activities can produce ODS, such as chlorofluorocarbons, halons, and methyl bromide, which significantly damage the ozone layer. ODS are used in a wide range of applications, including the production or use of refrigerators, air conditioners, electronic products, fire extinguishers, tobacco, foam plastics, hair spray, and pesticides.
The ratio of the disturbance caused by the differential emission of a compound to the total ozone layer relative to the same mass of CFC-11 (trichlorofluoromethane). The ability of ODS to destroy stratospheric ozone can be expressed by their Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP); the more chlorine or bromine atoms in the ODS and the longer their lifespan in the atmosphere, the higher their ODP values.
Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a measure to evaluate the relative impact of each greenhouse gas emission on the earth's radiative capability and climate change, defined in terms of the greenhouse effect (changing radiative forcing) relative to CO2. Simply put, the higher the GWP value, the greater the "contribution" to global warming.
Therefore, both GWP and ODP values significantly influence the global climate environment. In the development of heat pumps, Chinese manufacturers strive to minimize GWP and ODP values, aiding global low-carbon targets and ozone layer protection efforts.
As one of the professional Chinese heat pump manufacturers, AMITIME has made a significant step forward in reducing GWP and ODP values with their newly launched HeatSTAR+ series R32 heat pump.
Reducing GWP
AMITIME R32 heat pump has a GWP of 675, which is significantly lower than R410A's 2088, helping reduce the impact on climate change and making it a more environmentally friendly choice.
Lower Refrigerant Charge Amount
AMITIME R32 heat pump requires less refrigerant compared to R410A. It can achieve the same performance using less refrigerant, minimizing the environmental impact.
Higher Energy Efficiency
AMITIME R32 heat pump boasts excellent heat transfer efficiency, which reduces energy consumption for heating and cooling, helping to lessen the carbon footprint.
Ozone Layer Protection
Most importantly, AMITIME R32 heat pump has an ODP value of zero, ensuring it does not harm the ozone layer and supports long-term environmental protection.
In summary, AMITIME HeatSTAR+ series uses R32 refrigerant, offering superior energy efficiency and environmental benefits. Furthermore, the AMITIME R32 heat pump is an advanced residential heat pump, ensuring optimal heating and cooling performance for residential applications. If you are looking for an eco-friendly and practical household heat pump, choose the AMITIME R32 heat pump!